Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

  I've been hearing alot that love is spelled T-I-M-E but even in "the sticks" where I live the teachers never would have allowed such a mistake.   Valentine's Day is such a great "time" for us to show those closest to us how much we love them.  A box of chocolates or a cute little card is nice but giving of your T-I-M-E is some times the hardest gift to give.

If you still have some energy after you have given all your
T-I-M-E away this Valentine's Day and want to make a delicious healthy treat try these "Raw"Almond Joys.  Really who doesn't like a little chocolate on Valentine's Day?!?! 

Raw” Almond Joy Candy Bars
1 1/3 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/2 cup of coconut oil
1/4 cup of agave nectar
36 almonds, left whole or chopped (your choice)

1-Melt the coconut oil and agave nectar over low heat until just melted. Whisk to combine. Add the coconut.

2-Now take out your muffin tins (you will need a 12 compartment muffin tin). In each compartment, place three almonds, or divide the chopped almonds. Then, divide the coconut mixture, making sure you get an even mixture of coconut flakes and coconut oil. Place in a freezer (make sure it’s on a flat surface), and freeze until hard (about 30 minutes)

Now it’s time for the chocolate! You will need:
3/4 cup cocoa powder (not dutch cocoa)
1/4 cup of agave nectar
1 cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

3-Combine these ingredients in a 2 cup glass measuring glass and place in a pot of simmering water. Heat until everything is just melted, and remove from heat. Either whisk briskly, or use a hand blender to combine well (the hand blender is the easiest way to do this).

4-Take out the frozen coconut flakes mixture, and divide your chocolate mixture over it (about two tablespoons per muffin compartment).

5-Put back into your freezer, and freeze until hard (again, about 30 minutes). To get them out, simply slide a butter knife down one side, and pop it out. This is very easy to do, as long as you do it directly from your freezer.
Then, enjoy! (keep them frozen, they melt fairly quickly)

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