Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lasagna anyone?

So.....   with the checkmark by my taxes I can move on to
some fun things on my list.  I really do love to cook and I love to
 find new recipes that are both nutritious and tasty. 
"The Man" tells me that my
taste buds are corrupted because of my new eating choices.
I've got news for him that eating vegan food does not mean that
you are eating food with no flavor.  Actually he is a hypocrite
  because he asked me the other day if I knew how to
make anything that didn't have onions or garlic it it!!
What was he trying to say??
His taste buds are the ones that
are corrupted with all the chemicals and crap that are put into
processed foods.  Hopefully he will see the light one day
but until then I will continue to slowly add "good" things
into his diet until he realizes how SMART I am.

I was over checkin out the Peas & Thank You blog and she
had the most delicious sounding lasagna.  Eating healthier doesn't
mean you have to give up things you love (and I love lasagna!!)
I think this is going to be the "new" recipe that I try this month.
Give it a try and see what you think.

Serves 4-6
2 large zucchini, cut into 12 thin, 1/4 in. thick slices
1 c. quinoa, rinsed
2 c. vegetable broth
1/2 c. tomato sauce
1/4 c. minced onion
1 t. dried oregano
1/4 c. fresh basil, chopped
1/4 c. fresh parsley, chopped
2 T. organic or non-dairy cream cheese (optional)
salt and pepper to taste
1 jar organic marinara sauce
1/2 c. organic or non-dairy cheese (optional)

Preheat oven to 400.
To prepare zucchini, cut a strip off of one side to make a flat base. Then, thinly slice zucchini into "noodles." You’ll want 12 noodles in total.
Place noodles in a colander and sprinkle with salt, layering between paper towels. Let this sit and absorb moisture while preparing the quinoa.
Combine quinoa, vegetable broth, tomato sauce, onion and oregano in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Cover and lower heat, simmering for 20 minutes.
When quinoa has absorbed all the liquid, fold in cream cheese and herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste, and try not to eat the whole pot.
Pour enough of marinara in the bottom of an 8×8 baking dish to cover the bottom. Using a clean dry towel, blot remaining moisture and salt from zucchini and layer 4 noodles across the sauce.
Put a layer of quinoa across the zucchini, and cover with another 1/3 c. of marinara sauce. Repeat with another layer of quinoa, sauce and zucchini. Top the final layer of zucchini with remaining sauce and 1/2 c. of cheese, if using.
Bake lasagna for 30 minutes, until heated through and zucchini is tender.

Zucchini Quinoa Lasagna

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Huge Checkmark ....


Do any of you dread that April 15th date?? 
Sometimes there are things on my list that I HATE  "dislike" having to do.  Taxes is one of them and it is very stressful.  I think this calls for a "break today" and that doesn't mean McDonalds!!
I really have been trying to cut refined foods like white flour and
sugar out of my diet but I think this calls for a celebration.
(I was good on Valentine's Day so this is ok. right?)
White Chocolate Raspberry Bundt Cake

*Pre-heat oven 350 degrees.

*1 box white cake mix (mixed according to directions)
*½ cup applesauce (no cinnamon)
*1 small package of vanilla pudding
*½ cup frozen raspberries (thawed & mashed up) + 1 Tablespoon flour. Mix together
*1/2 cup white chocolate chips (melted)

*Grease bundt pan (make sure it is well covered)

*Mix 1 box white cake mix according to directions on the box.
*Mix in ½ cup applesauce.
*Add 1 package of vanilla pudding (small box)

*Mix batter well. Remove 1/3 of the batter & place in a separate bowl.
*Defrost ½ cup frozen raspberries and mash them up. Add 1 Tablespoon flour & mix. Add berries to 1/3 batter & set aside.

*With remaining 2/3 batter, add ½ cup melted white chocolate. Mix well.

*To the bundt pan, add ½ of the white chocolate/cake batter mix.

*Then add dollops of raspberry/cake batter mix on top of the white chocolate/cake batter mix.

*Add the remaining white chocolate cake/batter mix to the pan.

*Make an “S” patter through the batter using a skewer or handle of a wooden spoon. Be careful not to touch the bottom of the pan.

**Bake 42 to 45 minutes.**
*Let cool in the pan for a bit, then turn the cake out onto a cooling rack.
*You can make several days ahead. Just wrap the cake really well in saran wrap & refrigerate or freeze it.

*Frost when ready to serve.

It's worth it!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Do you remember the commercials for chia pets
 I remember singing along when the commercial came on but never actually got to have one. 
Did you ever have one when you were a kid?
I don't even know if "Yellow Front" sold them. LOL!! 
(You had to grow up in the "sticks" to know about Yellow Front)

This is something you will want in your pantry!!!

This past year I have been searching for more ways of getting better nutrition into my diet.  In the book "Thrive, The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life" by Brendan Brazier it mentions that chia is an excellent source of protein and since I'm not eating meat I am trying to find more ways to get protein into my diet.  I started researching chia and found that it is an AMAZING seed that was used by many of the indian tribes years ago.  Here is some of what I found:

Chia seed is called a super food because it does have amazing health benefits, stores well, and easy to prepare. If you want to have something ready in an emergency, chia is the answer. Keep in a 72 hour kit. Grab a bag and go. You could live for months without cooking or grinding. Simply soak 1 teaspoon in a glass of water, wait 10 minutes, and drink it down. Ancient warriors used to carry a bag and live off the seeds for months. It provided the needed protein and carbohydrates to give plenty of energy to the warriors. Many athletes have performed better with chia as told in the book "Born to Run".
Chia does not need to be ground, cooked or sprouted. It has a much longer shelf life than flax.
  1. Chia is the number one source of Omega 3 fatty acids in the plant form,  A-linolenic acid (ALA). 
  2. Omega 3 fatty acids help the heart and circulation.  The omega 3s break up the lipids which cause blood clots, varicose veins, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmias, and high triglycerides.
  3. Omega 3 fatty acids cause significant protection against cancer.
  4. Omega 3s prevent or reverse arthritis and Parkinson's.
  5. Omega 3s promote brain health, relieving depression and anxiety, ADD and memory loss.  Some promising studies show help for bi-polar and schizophrenia.
  6. Omega 3s increase immunity.
  7. Omega 3s help prevent age related blindness.
  8. Omega 3's are correlated to lower waist circumference and less obesity.
  9. Chia absorbs ten times its volume in water. This hydrophilic quality helps the body hydrate. Hydrating is essential for athletes.
  10. Chia coats the stomach relieving gas and gerd.
  11. Chia slows the blood sugar spike a benefit for diabetics. 
  12. Chia provides a full feeling. This natural appetite suppressant helps weight loss. 
  13. Chia supplies 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries.  Blueberries topped the list for high antioxidants until chia was studied. Antioxidants slow free radicals that cause aging and cancer.
  14. The chia gel lines the intestine and pulls out toxins.
  15. No need to buy organic, because chia is naturally bug resistant.
  16. High fiber in chia helps digestion and elimination.
  17. Chia supplies a complete protein.
  18. Chia supplies 5 times more calcium than milk.  It also supplies the other minerals needed for bone health including boron and magnesium.
  19. Chia supplies 2 times more potassium than bananas.  These natural electrolyte minerals make it better than Gatorade for athletes.
  20. The magnesium in chia helps heart rhythm, bones, blood sugar, chronic fatigue, emotional balance, and restless leg syndrome.
  21. Folic acid in chia promotes a healthy pregnancy, brain function, cancer prevention, intestinal health, circulation, and teeth and gums.
  22. The naturally occurring iron in chia helps the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
  23. If you lived on food storage basics, you would suffer from vitamin C deficiency. Add plenty of chia to your storage basics because it supplies 7 times more vitamin C than an orange.
  24. Chia, as an ingredient, is a dieters dream food.  There are limitless ways to incorporate the Chia seed into your diet.  Chia must be prepared with pure water before using recipes.  The seed will absorb 9 times it’s weight in water in less than 10 minutes and is very simple to prepare. 
Making Chia Gel
Put 2 cups of water in a sealable plastic container and slowly pour 1/3 cup chia seeds into water while briskly mixing with a wire whisk. This process will avoid any clumping of the seed.  Wait a couple of minutes, whisk again and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.  Whisk again before using or storing in refrigerator (Gel will keep up to 2 weeks). You can add this mix to jams, jellies, hot or cold cereals, yogurts, mustard, catsup, tarter sauce, BBQ sauce, etc..  Add the gel, between 50% to 75% by volume, to any of the non-bake mentioned foods, mix well and taste. You will notice a very smooth texture with the integrity of the flavour intact. In addition to adding up to 50% to 75% more volume to the foods used, you have displaced calories and fat by incorporating an ingredient that is 90% water. Use as a fat replacer, for energy and endurance, or for added great taste, by substituting half the oil in your breads with Chia gel. Top your favorite bread dough before baking with Chia gel (for toping on baked goods, breads, cookies, piecrust, etc., reduce the water ration to 8 parts water to 1 part Chia seed) for added shelf life.
Or you can simply sprinkle it on a salad or add to anything you are eating.
Now who wouldn't want all of that??  My daughter's boyfriend is a wrestler and I convinced him to give chia a try.  He uses it daily now and drinks chia water instead of gatorade.  He will tell you that he noticed a big difference once he started using it.  Even "The Man" wants chia in his green drink every morning.  Now that right there says something.  There is no taste to it so -  

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

  I've been hearing alot that love is spelled T-I-M-E but even in "the sticks" where I live the teachers never would have allowed such a mistake.   Valentine's Day is such a great "time" for us to show those closest to us how much we love them.  A box of chocolates or a cute little card is nice but giving of your T-I-M-E is some times the hardest gift to give.

If you still have some energy after you have given all your
T-I-M-E away this Valentine's Day and want to make a delicious healthy treat try these "Raw"Almond Joys.  Really who doesn't like a little chocolate on Valentine's Day?!?! 

Raw” Almond Joy Candy Bars
1 1/3 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1/2 cup of coconut oil
1/4 cup of agave nectar
36 almonds, left whole or chopped (your choice)

1-Melt the coconut oil and agave nectar over low heat until just melted. Whisk to combine. Add the coconut.

2-Now take out your muffin tins (you will need a 12 compartment muffin tin). In each compartment, place three almonds, or divide the chopped almonds. Then, divide the coconut mixture, making sure you get an even mixture of coconut flakes and coconut oil. Place in a freezer (make sure it’s on a flat surface), and freeze until hard (about 30 minutes)

Now it’s time for the chocolate! You will need:
3/4 cup cocoa powder (not dutch cocoa)
1/4 cup of agave nectar
1 cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

3-Combine these ingredients in a 2 cup glass measuring glass and place in a pot of simmering water. Heat until everything is just melted, and remove from heat. Either whisk briskly, or use a hand blender to combine well (the hand blender is the easiest way to do this).

4-Take out the frozen coconut flakes mixture, and divide your chocolate mixture over it (about two tablespoons per muffin compartment).

5-Put back into your freezer, and freeze until hard (again, about 30 minutes). To get them out, simply slide a butter knife down one side, and pop it out. This is very easy to do, as long as you do it directly from your freezer.
Then, enjoy! (keep them frozen, they melt fairly quickly)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Two - "check"

So, I stressed all day yesterday about what I wanted to
post today!!  Seriously!!  Does anyone else do things like that?  
It's fun to start something new but following through is sometimes
harder than you think but I still have my list and I still want to
make some "checkmarks" and feel like
I have accomplished something.

In my search for finding balance in my life
I have been taught alot of things that
you can do for SIMPLE everyday issues. 
Essential Oils have been one of the most wonderful tools
I have learned.  There is a reason that they
have been around for thousands of years...

I started my quest for learning in 2000. It has led me
to many different classes - chinese medicine, accupressure, 
essential oils, then to zonology (I will give more information about
these later)  One of my favorite essential oils is
There are so many good oils to use.
If you don't know how to use essential oils it would be a great
benefit to you and your family to learn how to use
them.  If you burn yourself lavender essential oil
is the best thing to put on it after you have ran it under
cold water.  The lavender essential oil will help
with the pain as well as make it heal faster,
heal with less scarring and will help with infection
due to it's antibiotic properties.

It doesn't take rocket science to take charge of your own
body and health.  It takes the willingness to seek knowledge and
then to apply what you have learned.  YOU are
worth the effort!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The List for February

I'm not wanting to wear myself out
the first month (ha!ha!) so I'm going to start with
4 simple things on my list and hopefully
end up with 4 "checkmarks" when the month is over.

So here we go:
  1. Go to lunch with friends
  2. "Remodel" my old sewing cabinet as a table
  3. Try a new recipe
  4. Plan and organize "Feel Better" classes
Some of you may think that being a vegetarian or vegan
is a strange, odd & crazy thing
(especially when you live with "The Man" who is a CARNIVORE)
but 2 years ago I chose to change my health for
the better and I must say that life is MUCH better.
Stepping outside the box is a hard thing for me
and I'm sure other people out there but I
would hope that you will give some of my recipes
and advice a chance to help make improvements
in your lives.

This is a recipe I tried the other day because I really wanted some chocolate chip cookies
but I have tried to cut out sugar from my diet but man my hormones
were calling for something sweet.  This recipe is a "RAW" version of
Chocolate Chip Cookies and the best thing about it was there
was no baking involved.  As soon as they were mixed you can
pop one in your mouth.  Soooooo good!!!!

Raw cookie dough bites
2/3 cup raw almonds
2/3 cup raw walnuts
2/3 cup raw oat
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup raw agave nectar
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
3 tbsp cocao nibs or dark chocolate chips (or more)
1. In a food processor, process the almonds, walnuts, oats and salt to a fine meal.
2. Add the agave nectar and vanilla and process to combine.
3. Next, add the cocoa nibs (or chocolate chips) and pulse just to combine.
4. Roll the cookie dough into balls (about 1 tbsp each) and place them on a cookie pan lined with parchment paper. Place the pan in the freezer for about an hour to firm up. Store balls in a tightly covered container in the freezer.

Following through . . . . . . .

This is a new adventure for me!!
Have your ever watched the movie "Coyote Ugly" (don't tell anyone -
but it's one of my favorites) anyway... when Violet and Gloria are standing outside
Violet's new apartment in New York (somewhere I want to go)
talking about not following through on one single thing they had promised
is how I feel about my life some times. I have
a list a mile long of things
I want to make, do, cook or become
but I just chase my tail and never "catch" or
accomplish things. Instead I just spend my time trying to do
everything for everyone else to make their life better,
thinking that will make me feel better ....
Obviously that's not going to work!!
I know it's past the point of making
New Year's resolutions
(although this was one of my New Year's Resolutions) but I'm going to start
and work each day at putting some checkmarks by things on
my list and maybe if I have to report to someone I will feel
"obligated" to complete something.
This is going to be a work in progress....
but I want to share with you some of the
bumps & bruises,
thrills & spills,
knowledge & learning that I aquire.