Thursday, March 3, 2011


I have been trying to make some changes in my life to help me see myself better and enjoy everything around me more.   When I read this quote that was posted on Room to Inspire I knew this was something I needed to post . . .
1. Co-op started  check!!!
2. "Feel Great" classes scheduled  check!!!

Making a list and then getting to put checkmarks next to things sure feels good!!!

With the weather being so nice here in the "sticks",  it makes me want to buy a new bikini and enjoy the sunshine.  (not that I would let anyone see me in it!!)  I sure hope it lasts for awhile because the -26 degrees my son is enjoying in Alaska right now sure isn't my idea of a good time. 

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. What a great quote! So true!

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend!



    P.S. I'm hosting a $100 e-spree giveaway on my blog in case you're interested!
